

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Henry VIII’s Royal Inquisition


Idea contributed by: S.R.

Henry VIII’s Royal Inquisition: To keep the sanctity of His Majesty’s royal name and ensure his achievements and contribution to society are not downplayed before the drama of the six royal ladies.

The Inquisition will bring to justice those who fail to accept the Supremacy and goodness in all matters of King Henry VIII. Anyone who flout the just laws of the Henrican Inquisition will be justly punished by having all their sensible Tudor books confiscated. Those who persist with even greater crimes will have to read the books of Alison Weir for a month straight.

All suspects may be force-fed on Henry’s favourite black pudding, boar’s head and artichokes until they confess, at the discretion of the questioner.

List of forbidden acts:

  • Propaganda talk against Henry.
  • Call Henry that “fat, old tyrant” without checking their facts.
  • Stress too much on his tiresome wives.
  • Fans of Katherine de Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Thomas Cromwell and Thomas More must realize that their primary allegiance is to Henry, and not to the lesser characters.
  • Floating conspiracy theories against our beloved king.
  • Anything else that displeases the Inquisitor-General, yours truly!

Our aim is to rid the world of those who seek to seduce faithful Henricans to the Dark side and all good citizens shall rise to the cause by informing of any dissenters, or shall be held guilty themselves.

No one expects the Henrican Inquisition!